
まあ、返信する必要がないのですが、 noraosama01@gmail.com 宛に返信して欲しいそうです。
個人情報を noraosama01@gmail.com 宛に送るのは止めましょうね。


My apology for coming into your privacy.

It is because i know you are reliable and can be trusted.

I need your urgent assistance in transferring a huge sum of money
immediately to your account. (amount undisclosed for security reason).

I will send you full details on how the Project will be executed; I want you
to furnish me with these details:


Once i read from you,i will give you more details on how we can work

Please note that this is legitimate,if you get any similiar mail from
someone please do not reply.

After transaction you and i will Share the money between ourselves,the
percentage will be discuss later.

Best regards,

Mrs Nora Osama.
(Attorney at Law)

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